Electrical machinery is a subject a student Where Will deal with Various types of electrical machineryWhich are employed in industries, power stations, domestic appliances etc. and business. AfterStudying this subject, year electrical diploma holder must Be competent to repair and maintain to thesismachinery and Give suggestions to Improve Their Performance. Practical aspects of the subject WillStudents can make the performing of: various tests on the machinery as per latest BISspecifications
1. Introduction to Electrical Machines (6 hrs)
1.1 Definition of motor and generator1.2 Torque development due to alignment of Two fields and the concept of torque angle1.3 Electro-Magnetically induced emf1.4 Elementary concept of An electrical machines1.5 Comparison of generator and motor1.6 Generalised theory of electrical machinery
2. DC Machines (24 hrs)
2.1 Main constructional features, Types of armature winding2.2 Function of the commutator for motoring and generation Action2.3 Factors Determining induced emf2.4 Factors Determining the electromagnetic torque2.5 Types of machinery d.c2.6 Significance of back emf, the relationship Between back emf and terminal voltage2.7 Armature Reaction2.8 Methods to Improve Switching2.9 Performance and Characteristics of different kinds of DC motors2.10 Speed control of dc shunt / series motors and compound2.11 Need of starter, dc shunt motor Three Point starter and 4 point starter2.12 Applications of DC motors2.13 Faults in DC Machines and Their remedies2.14 Losses in a DC Machine2.15 Determination of Losses by Swinburne's test
3. Transformers (single phase) (24 hrs)
3.1 Introduction & different kinds Such as shell-type and core type, etc.3.2 Constructional features of a share of change and transform3.3 Working principle of a change3.4 EMF equation3.5 Turning on no-load phasor diagram and Its3.6 Transformer - neglecting voltage drop in the windings - Ampere turn balance - itsphasor diagram3.7 Mutual and leakage fluxes, leakage reactance3.8 Transformer on load, voltage drops and Its phasor diagram3.9 Equivalent Circuit3.10 Relationship Between induced emf and terminal voltage, adjustment of a transformermathematicalrelation3.11 Losses in turn has3.12 Open Circuit and Short Circuit Test. Calculation of efficiency, condition for maximumefficiency3.13 Self transform construction, working and applications
4. Three Phase Transformers (10 hrs)
4.1 Construction of Three phase transform4.2 Types of Three phase transformation ie delta-delta, delta-star, star-delta and star-star4.3 Conditions for parallel operation (only requirements are To Be Studied)4.4 It load tap changing4.5 Difference between power and distribution transform4.6 Cooling of transforming4.7 Accessories of Such as Transformers: Conservator, breather, Buchholz relay, Tapchanger (off load and on load)
LIST OF practicals
1. Introduction to electrical machineryMeasurement of the angular displacement of rotor of the Three phase synchronousMachine stator with respect to the implementation of one DC to the field winding andphrasal To Each phase-winding in sequenceORMeasurement of the angular displacement of the rotor of a slip-ring induction motor isApplication of DC to stator of motor winding in sequence and phrasal To Each Phaseof rotor winding
2. DC Machines
2.1 Speed control of dc shunt motor (i) Armature control method (ii) Field Controlmethod2.2 Study of dc series motor with starter (to operate-no load on the motor for atime)2.3 Determination of efficiency of DC motor by Swinburne's Test at (i) rated capacity(Ii) half full load
3. Transformers (single phase)
3.1 To perform open circuit and short circuit test for Determining Equivalent Circuitparameter of a transformation943.2 To the regulation and efficiency determined from the data from open circuit obtenuesand short circuit test at full load
4. Three-phase transformers
4.1 Checking the polarity of the windings of a Three Phase transformation and Connecting: various configurations in the windings4.2 Finding the voltage and current of primary and secondary Relationships of a ThreeUnder phase balanced load in turn: various configurations Conditions
Electrical machinery being has core subject of electrical diploma curriculum, where 'a student Will DealVarious types of electrical with Which machine are employed in industry, power stations, domesticCommercial appliances and so on. After Studying this subject, year electrical diploma holder must Becompetent to repair and maintain to thesis machinery and Give suggestions to Improve TheirPerformance. Special care Has To Be taken on conceptual understanding of Concepts and Principlesin the subject. For this purpose exposure to industry, work places, and utilization of: various kinds ofelectrical machines for different applications may Be emphasized. Explanation of Practical aspects ofWill make the subject of the Students can: various performing tests on the machine as perlatest BIS specifications.
1. Electrical Machines by SK Bhattacharya, Tata Mc Graw Hill, New Delhi2. Electrical Machines by SK Sahdev, Unique International Publications, Jalandhar3. Electrical Machines by Nagrath and Kothari, Tata Mc Graw Hill, New Delhi4. Electrical Machines by JB Gupta, SK Kataria and Sons, New Delhi5. Electrical Machinery by Fitzgerald Kusko Dumas6. Electrical machinery by Ashfaq Hussain, Dhanpat Rai and Co, New Delhi.7. Electrical machinery by PS Bhimbra; Khanna Publishers, New Delhi.
SrNo.Topic TimeAllotted(Hrs)MarksAllocation1. Introduction to electrical machinery June 102. DC machines 24 403. Transformers (single phase) 24 354. Three Phase Transformer October 15Total 64 100
P L T CrApril 3 to 4
The purpose of the introduction of electronics in the electrical engineering diploma course HASAlready Explained beens in the rationale of the subject Basic Electronics in this topic like raceAmplifiers, Oscillators and Wave Shape Circuits Have Been dealt with.
1. Multi-Stage Transistor Amplifiers (8 hrs)
1.1 Need of multi-stage transistor amplifiers - different kinds of couplings, TheirPurpose and applications.
1.2 RC coupled two-course amplifiers, circuit details, working, frequency response,applications
1.3 Loading effect in multistage amplifiers
1.4 Elementary idea about direct coupled amplifier, ict applications and limitations
1.5 Transformer coupled amplifiers, frequency response icts. Effect of co-efficient ofcoupling is frequency response. Applications of transforming coupled amplifiers
2. Transistor Audio Power Amplifier (12 hrs)
2.1 Difference between voltage and power amplifier
2.2 Important terms in Power Amplifier, collector efficiency, distortion and dissipationcapability
2.3 Classification of power amplifier class A, B and C
2.4 Class A single-ended power amplifier, collector efficiency and Mototrax
2.5 Impedance matching in power amplifier using a transform
2.6 Heat sinks in power amplifiers
2.7 Push-pull amplifier: circuit details, advantages and working (no mathematicalderivations)
2.8 Principles of the working of 'complementary symmetry push-pull amplifier
3. Tuned Voltage Amplifier (8 hrs)
3.1 Introduction
3.2 Series and parallel resonance (No mathematical derivation)
3.4 Single and double tuned voltage amplifiers
3.5 Frequency response of tuned voltage amplifiers
3.6 Applications of tuned voltage amplifiers96
4. Feedback in Amplifiers (8 hrs)
4.1 Feedback and Its importance, positive and negative feedback and Their NeedAVoltage gain of
4.2 year increase with negative feedback A = ----------1 +? A
4.3 Effect of negative feedback on voltage gain, Stability, distortion, band width, outputand input impedance of amplifying year (no mathematical derivation)
4.4 Typical feedback circuit
4.5 Effect of Removing the emitter bypass capacitor CE transistor amplifier was
4.6 Emitter follower and its applications
5. Sinusoidal Oscillators (8 hrs)
5.1 Sinusoidal Oscillators - positive feedback in amplifiers
5.2 Difference between year and year alternator oscillator
5.3 Essentials of oscillator year
5.4 Circuit details and working of LC oscillators viz. Tuned Collector, Hartley andColpitt's oscillators
5.5 RC oscillator circuits, phase shift and Wein bridge oscillator circuits
5.6 Introduction to piezoelectric crystal and crystal oscillator circuitry
6. Wave-Shaping and Switching Circuits (12 hrs)
6.1 Concept of Wave-shaping
6.2 Wave-shaping circuitsa. R-C circuits Differentiating and Integratingb. Diode clipping circuitsc. Diode clamping circuitsd. Applications of wave-shaping circuits
6.3 Transistor as a switch (explanation using CE transistor Characteristics)Collector coupled astable
6.4, monostable, bistable Multivibrator circuits (explanationusing wave shapes). Brief mention of uses of multivibrators
6.5 Working and applications of transistor power inverter circuitry using transistors
7 Operational Amplifier (8 hrs)
7.1 The Basic Operational Amplifier. The differential amplifier. The emitter coupleddifferential amplifier. Even offset voltages and petitors
7.2 Basic Operational Amplifier applications, analog integrator and Differentiator
7.3 Familiarization with specifications and pin configuration of IC 741
7.4 Block diagram and operation of 555 timer IC97LIST OF practicals
1. To measure
(a) optimum load
(b) output power
(c) signal handling capacity of a push-pullamplify
2. To observe the effect of negative feedback current on the voltage gain of a single courseRemoving emitter transistor amplifier by bye-pass capacitor.
3. To measure
(a) voltage gain
(b) input and output impedance emitter follower circuitry for year
4. To measure frequency generation in
(a) Hartley
(b) Colpitt 's and
(c) Wein bridge oscillators
(d) phasing oscillator
5. To observe the Differentiated and integrated square wave was CRO for different values ofR-C time constant.
6. Clipping of one portion of sine-wave using diode
7. Clipping of Both portion of sine-wave using:a) diode and dc sourceb) zener diodesClamping has since-wave to:a) Negative dc voltageb) Positive dc voltage
8. To generate square-wave using astable Multivibrator year and to observe the wave form wasCRO
9. To observe and working triggering of bistable Multivibrator Circuit has observed icts and outputwave form was CRO
10. To use the Op-Amp (IC 741) have one inverting and non inverting amplifiers-, adder,comparator, integrator and Differentiator
11. To study the pin configuration and working of IC 555 and Its use as nonostable and astableMultivibrator
12. To study the effect of coupling capacitor is lower cutoff and upper cutoff frequencyfrequency by plotting the frequency response curve of Two internship RC coupled amplifier.
Should the teacher bring electronic components and devices in the class while Taking readings andStudents make and explain familiar with 'em. Also ET may Give emphasis on Practical Applicationsof These devices and components in the Field. In addition, the Students Should Be Encouraged to doPractical work Independently and confidently.RECOMMENDED BOOKS
1. A text book of Basic Electronics and Linear Circuits by NN Bhargava and others, TataMcGraw Hill, New Delhi2. Electronics Principles by SK Sahdev, Dhanpat Rai and Co., New Delhi98
3. Electronics Principles by Albert Paul Malina, Tata McGraw Hill, New Delhi
4. Operational Amplifiers and Linear Circuits by Rama Kant and A. Gaykwad, Prentice Hall ofIndia, New Delhi
5. Electronic Devices Circuits by Rama Reddy, Narosa Publishing House Pvt. Ltd., New Delhi
6. Electronic Devices and Circuits by Millman and Halkias, McGraw Hill, New Delhi
7. Analog Electronics - II by DR Arora, Ishan Publication, Ambala
8. Electronic Devices and Circuits by JC Karhara, King India Publication, New Delhi
9. Electronic Devices and Circuits-I, Eagle Prakashan, Jalandhar
10. Electronic Devices Circuits by JB Gupta, SK Kataria and Sons, New Delhi
TimeAllotted (hrs)MarksAllocation
1. Multi-stage transistorAmplifyAugust 15
2. Transistor Audio PowerAmplifyDecember 20
3. Tuned Voltage Amplifier August 10
4. Feedback in Amplifier August 15
5. Sinusoidal Oscillators August 10
6. Wave-shaping and switchingcircuitDecember 20
7. Operational Amplifier August 10Total 64 10099
PL T Cr4-2
A diploma holder in electrical engineering Should Be familiar to Indian Standards and fallingElectricity Rules. Estimates of Good Preparation is a professional's job, Which Requires knowledgeof materials and methods to deal with economics. The contents of this subject Have Been DesignedKeeping in view Developing requisite knowledge and skills of estimating and costing in Students ofdiploma in electrical engineering.
1. Introduction (12 hrs)Purpose of Estimating and costing, performa for making Estimates, preparation of materialsschedule, costing, price list, tender document, net price list, market survey, overheadcosts, labor costs, and fixed electrical method developed centage method,contingency, profit, purchase system, Enquiries, comparative statements, orders for supply,payment of bills. Tenders - its constituents, finalization, tender specimen.
2. Types of wiring (12 hrs)Cleat, batten, casing-capping and conduit wiring, comparison of different wiring systems,selection and design of wiring schemes for Particular circumstances (domestic and Industrial).Selection of wires and cables, wiring accessories and use of protective devices ie MCB,Etc. ELCB. Use of wire-gauge and tables (to Be Prepared / Arranged)
3. Estimating and Costing: (24 hrs)
3.1 Domestic installations; standard practice as per IS and IE rules. Planning ofcircuits, sub-circuit and position of different accessories, electrical layout,Preparing Estimates Including cost as per schedule rate pattern and actual marketrate (single storey and multi-storey buildings HAVING similar electrical load)
3.2 Industrial facilities; under IE rules and IS standard practices, planning,Designing and installing of estimation for single phase motors of different ratings,electrical circuit diagram, starters, preparation of list of materials, Estimating andcosting exercises on workshop with monkey-phase, 3-phase motor load and the Lightload (3-phase supply system)
3.3 Service line connections estimate for domestic and Industrial loads (over-head andunder ground connections) from pole to energy meter.
4. Estimating the material required for (16 hrs)a) Transmission and distribution lines (overhead and underground) and scheduledesigning one of lines with different fixtures, earthing etc.. based on unit cost calculations100b) Substation: Types of substations, substation schemes and components, estimateof 11/0.4 KV pole mounted substation up to 200 KVA rating.
5. Home Assignments (Not for external examination)
5.1 Draw the electrical ckt. and estimate the quality of material and total cost for theUsed wiring system in the hall of 15mx6mx4.5m high. The hall is fitted with To Belight and fan points. Assumptions make your own for no. of fans and light dotsand Other missing data.
5.2 A student of dining hall for residential high campus.20mx10mX4m is To Be Providedwith electric wring for light, fans socket outlets at Suitable places. Draw the plan ofthe hall and prepared with the estimate cost.
5.3 A workshop of small size is 15mx8mx4m To Be Provided with electrical powerconnection. the service connection are To Be received on one corner of workshopfrom Existing 3phase-4wire distribution pole. The Following are To Be installed:
1. One 2HP Induction Motor 3-phase milling machine for screw
2. One 3HP 3-phase Induction Motor for small lathe.
3. . One 5HP 3-phase Induction Motor for milling machine.
4. One 1HP 3-phase Induction Motor for grinder
Draw the facility plan, single line diagram and prepared the estimate of cost andlist of material for The Above.
5.4 A small workshop 30mx15m Has To measure Equipped with the Following machinery
1. One 5 HP 3-Phase Induction Motor 400v
2. One 3 HP 400V 3-Phase Induction Motor
3. One 1 HP 3-Phase Induction Motor 400v
4. One 400v 1/2HP 1-Phase Induction Motor
Draw the facility plan, single line diagram and prepared the estimate of cost andlist of material for The Above.
5.5 More exercises of similar pattern may Be Given to the Students for practice.
Since this subject is field oriented, the Students Should Be Exposed to different kinds of sub-stationsIncluding grid substations Before the actual class room teaching and make 'em familiar with theequipment and accessories installed over there. Their Should Be at least 5-year visits During The.The Students may Be Asked to note while we prepare and submit the report visit. After That was vivavoceBe Conducted to Evaluate the knowledge Gained During The field visit.
1. Electrical Installation, Estimating and Costing by JB Gupta, SK Kataria and Sons, NewDelhi
2. Estimating and Costing by SK Bhattacharya, Tata McGraw Hill, New Delhi
3. Estimating and Costing by Surjeet Singh, Dhanpat Rai & Co., New Delhi
4. Estimating and Costing by Qurashi
5. Estimating and Costing by SL Uppal, Khanna Publishers, New Delhi
6. Electrical Estimating and Costing by N Alagappan and B Ekambaram, TMH, New Delhi
7. Electrical Design Estimating and costing by KBRaina and SK Bhatachara, Pub WilleyEstern Ltd..
1. Introduction December 20
2. Types of wiring December 20
3. Estimating and costing 24 35
4. Estimating the required Material 16 25Total 64 100102
P L T Cr- 6 3
A polytechnic pass-out in electrical engineering is Supposed To Have Ability to:
i) Read, Understand and interpret engineering drawings
ii) Communicate and correlate-through sketches and drawings
iii) Prepare working drawings of alternative panels, transmission and distribution
The contents of this subject has-been Designed to Develop requisite knowledge and skills ofelectrical drawings of the Students in diploma in electrical engineering.
A Contractor Control Circuits (40 hrs)Design of Circuit Drawing of schematic wiring diagram and power diagram of FOLLOWINGcircuits, specification of Contactors
1.1 DOL starting of 3-phase induction motor
1.2 Remote Control of 3-phase induction motor
1.3 3-phase induction motor getting supply from selected feeder
1.4 Forwarding / reversing of a three-phase induction motor
1.5 Two speed control of 3-phase induction motor
1.6 Limit switch control of a three-phase induction motor
1.7 Sequential operation of two / three motors using time delay relay
1.8 Automatic star delta starter for 3-phase Induction Motor
2. Earthing (20 hrs)2.1 Purpose of earthing
2.2 Different types of earthing, drawings of plate and pipe earthing103
2.3 Procedure of earthing, testing of materials required and costing
2.4 Method of Reducing earth resistance
2.5 Relevant IS specifications of earth electrode for earthing a turn, a highbuilding
2.6 Earthing layout of distribution transform
2.7 Substation earthing layout and earthing materials
2.8 Key diagram of 11KV, 33kV, 66kV, 132 KV sub-stations
3. Drawings of Machine Parts (36 hrs)
3.1 End cover of induction motor
3.2 Rotor of a squirrel cage induction motor
3.3 Field coil of a DC motor
3.4 Terminal plate of year induction motor
3.5 Motor body (induction motor) as per IS specifications
3.6 Slip-rings of 3-phase induction motor
4. Reading and Interpretation of Drawings Such as Blue Prints, AzoPrint, etc. Laser Print.
Teacher Should Identify / prepare more exercises on the pattern Shown Above. Should the teacherStudents make the confidant in making drawing and layout of electrical wiring and installationsdoing estimation and costing leading to preparation of small tender document .. Will this capabilitylead the Students to Become a Successful Contractor. Students to Take the field / laboratory andshow the material and equipment.
1. Electrical Design and Drawings by Raina and Bhattacharya
2. Electrical Design & Drawings by Surjit Singh
3. IEEE Guide 80 for Earthing, IEEE Publication, New York
4. Electrical Controls in Industry by Charles Siskind5. BIS codes for Electrical Earthing104
4.5(For Electrical Engineering)
P L T2-4
Computers play a very vital role in present day life, more so, in the professional life of diplomaengineers. With the extensive use of Information Technology in wide number of Areas, the diplomaticengineers Should Be well conversed with thesis environments. In order to enable the Students to useEffectively the computers in problem solving, this course offers the modern programming languageslike C along with exposure to: various engineering applications of computers.
1. Information Storage and Retrieval (4 hrs)
1.1 Need for information storage and retrieval
1.2 Creating data base file
1.3 Querying database file on single and multiple keys
1.4 Ordering the data was selected key
1.5 Programming a very simple application
2. Programming in C (22 hrs)
2.1 Basic structure of C Programs
2.2 Executing a C program
2.3 Constants, variables and data types
2.4 Operators and expressions
2.5 Managing Input-Output operations like reading a character, writing a character,formatted input, formatted output-through print, scan, getch, statements etc. putsch.
2.6 Decision making and branching using IF ..... else, switch, go to statements
2.7 Decision making and looping using do-while, and for statements
2.8 Arrays - one dimensional and two dimensional
2.9 Functions1052.10 Concept of pointers, structures and Files
3. Computers Application overview (6 hrs)
Demonstration of: various software applications related to branch Such as:MATLAB, PSIM, MULTISIM, PSPICE in Electrical Engineering
LIST OF practicals
1. Creating database.
2. Querying the database.
3. Report generation.
4. Programming in dbase
5. Use electrical engineering related CAI packages Such as Electrical Power SystemsDrawing etc..
6. Programming for Data Acquisition System and control.
7. Exercises on data acquisition.
8. Exercises on control - on / off switch, and proportional control.
9. Programming exercise on executing C program
10. Programming exercise on editing C program
11. Programming exercise on Defining and Assigning values to variables variables.
12. Programming exercise on arithmetic and relational operators.
13. Programming exercise on arithmetic expressions and Their Evaluation.
14. Programming exercise on reading a character.
15. Programming exercise on writing a character.
16. Programming exercise on formatting input using print.
17. Programming exercise on formatting output using scan.
18. Programming exercise on simple if statement.
19. Programming exercise on IF .... else statement.
20. Programming exercise on switch statement.
21. Programming exercise on go to statement.
22. Programming exercise on do-while statement.
23. Programming exercise on for statement.
24. Programming exercise on one-dimensional arrays.
25. Programming exercise on two-dimensional arrays.
26. Exercises are- Internet use / application- Typical Application: various of software application's Such as MATLAB, PSIM,MULTISIM, PSPICE is Electrical Engineering106
This is a Practical and Highly oriented self-study courses. The teachers are Expected to explain theTheoretical Immediately hand and then test the student's writs and run the program based On Thattopic and read world problems.
1. Programming in C by Balaguru Swamy, Tata McGraw Hill, New Delhi
2. Computer programming and applications by Chandershekhar, Unique InternationalPublications, Jalandhar
3. Programming in C by Schaum Series, McGraw Hills
4. The essentials of Computer Organizing and Architecture by Linda Null and Julia Labur,Narosa Publishing House Pvt. Ltd., New Delhi
5. Programming in C by Kerning Lan and Riechie Prentice Hall of India, New Delhi
6. Let us C - Yashwant Kanetkar, BPB Publications, New Delhi
7. Vijay Mukhi Series for C and C + +
8. Elements of C by MH Lewin, Khanna Publishers, New Delhi
9. Programming in C by R Subburaj, Vikas Publishing House Pvt. Ltd., Jangpura, NewDelhi
10. Programming in C by Kris A Jansa, Galgotia Publications Pvt. Ltd., Daryaganj, NewDelhi
11. Programming in C by BP Mahapatra, Khanna Publishers,
Topic TimeAllotted(Hrs)MarksAllocation
1. Information Storage and Retrieval April 10
2. Programming in C 22 70
3. Computers Application Overview June 20Total 32 100107
P L T- 6
An electrical diploma holder required to inspect Will Be, test and modify the work done by skilledworkers or artisans working Under HIM. In addition to persons thesis, Many a times, It Will BecomeNecessary for Him to Demonstrate the proper method and procedure of doing a job. In order to carryout this function Effectively in addition to conceptual understanding of the method or procedure ETMust Possess Appropriate manual skills. The subject at AIMS Developing special skills required forrepairing, fault finding, wiring in electrical appliances and installations.
1. Types of wiring and to make different light control circuits in the Following Types of wiring? Capping and Casing (PVC) wiring? Wiring leads (surface / concealed)
2. Testing of domestic wiring system using meggar
3. To carry out pipe / plate earthing for a small house and 3-phase induction motor. Testing theearthing earth using test
4. Connections of single phase and three-phase motors, choke and Appropriate year-through toChange Their leadership of rotation
5. Wiring, testing and fault finding of the Following contactor control circuits operating on 3 -phase supply:a. Remote control circuitsb. Time delay circuitsc. Inter locking circuitsd. Sequential operation control circuitsNote: Students may Be Asked to study control system of a passenger lift, automatic millingmachine, etc.. Limiting switches and relays using.
6. Winding / re-winding of a fan (ceiling and table) and choke
7. Power cable jointing using epoxy based jointing kits
8. Demonstration of Laying of underground cables at worksite
9. Dismantling / assembly of star-delta/DOL choke and slip-ring induction motor starter108
10. Dismantling and assembly of voltage stabilizers
11. Repair and Maintenance of Inverter, UPS.
12. Use and working of ELCB.
13. Rewinding of a small Transformer.
14. To Realize the Regulated power supply by using terminal voltage regulator ICs Three Such as7805, 7905, 7915 etc..
Teacher Should make the Students confidant in making drawing and layout of electrical wiringfacilities and doing estimating and costing. Will this capability lead the Students to Become aSuccessful contractor. Students to Take the field / laboratory and show the material andequipment.
1. Electrical Engineering Design and Drawings by Surjeet Singh, Dhanpat Rai and CoNew Delhi
2. Electrical Engineering Design and Drawings by SK Bhattacharya, SK Kataria andSons, New Delhi
3. Electrical Engineering Design and Drawings by Ubhi and Marwaha, IPH, New Delhi
4. Electrical Design and Drawing by SK Sahdev, Unique International Publications,Jalandhar
5. Electrical Engineering Drawing by Surjit Singh, SK Kataria and Sons,
1. Symbols and Signs Convention May 4
2. Simple Light and Fan Circuits 20 20
3. Simple circuit with and without Alarm Relays October 12
4. Design and drawing of panels 24 25
5. Orthographic projection of simple share Electrical 3
6 40Total 64 100109
The Employment Opportunities for registered holders diplomatic Especially In secteur public are dwindling. Theregistered holders diplomatic Need to explore the possibilities of Becoming Entrepreneurs. For this, They Must BeAcquainted with entrepreneurial development, scope of setting up small scale industry, existingbusiness opportunities, financial and media available: various aspects of managing business. Inthis context, an entrepreneurial awareness camp is Suggested. During The camp, experts fromSuch organisms have: various banks, financial corporations, service institutes etc.. may Be Invited toDELIVER expert readings. Successful entrepreneurs may aussi Be Invited to interact with the students.In addition, the Students Encouraged to Be may read papers or seminar Give During The camp isEntrepreneurship Development and related topics.The camp is To Be Organized preferably at a stretch for Two to Three Days DURING 4thsemester (second year). Expert Lectures Will Be Delivered on the Following Broad topics.
There WillBe no examination for this subject / camp.
1. Contractor who is a year?
2. Need for entrepreneurship, entrepreneurial career and wage emploi
3. Scenario of development of small scale industries in India
4. Entrepreneurial history in India, Indian values and entrepreneurship
5. Assistance from District Industries Centres, Commercial Banks. State FinancialCorporations, Small industries Service Institutes, Research and Development Laboratoriesand Other Financial and development corporations
6. Considerations for product selection
7. Opportunities for business, service and industrial ventures
8. Learning from Indian experiences in entrepreneurship (Interaction with Successfulcontractors)
9. Legal aspects of small business
10. Managerial aspects of small business
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